Excuses: Copyright ExeWorks 1994-1995 Excuses, What is it? - This program can be used to provide an EXCUSE to get off the phone. For example, a person could play the doorbell sound and say they have to go there is someone at the door. They could also play the horn sound and say that their ride is here. Also they could play the telephone sound and say that they have a call on the other line. - This program also allows someone to JOKINGLY convince someone that they are somewhere else. For example, as a joke, someone could create the illusion that their car had broken down on the highway with this program. This is done by playing the car sound, horn sound or police sound while holding the phone near their computer speakers. What do you need? - This program requires Windows 3.1 and a Sound Card. How does it work? - To use Excuses, merely press the buttons to play the desired sounds. If you don't hear any sounds, check the setup of your sound card. Also to move the Excuses window press the left mouse button anywhere in the Excuses window (except on the buttons) and drag the window. Shareware? This is a shareware program brought to you by ExeWorks. You may use this program on a trial basis for 30 days. If you wish to continue using this program after 30 days, you must register it. After you register you will receive a new version of Excuses without any "please register" messages and several new Excuses sounds. Future sounds include Baby crying, Airplane sound, Dog barking, etc. How do I register? -To register send a check or money order for $5 US to: ExeWorks P.O. Box 1776 Arlington Heights, IL. 60006-1776 Help? You can receive assistance through America Online (ExeWorks) and Compuserve (76500,634). Excuses is supplied "as is" and without warranties either expressed or implied. ExeWorks assumes no liability for damages, direct or consequential, which may result from the use of this program. All the registered trademarks and copyrights mentioned are registered to those company's that own them. Excuses.exe must be distributed together along with the readme.txt file.